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"Kickstarter" for collective action
Spartacus Beta Cohort, 12/2024
Campaign Type: In-Person
Deadline: 12/31/2024
Spartacus is using a cohort framework for Beta testing. We’ll be dogfooding Spartacus to create staggered batches of users, which should allow us to provision user support and track KPIs more efficiently.
Our purpose here is to experiment, learn, and iterate on the feedback we receive. We’ll have the following goals:
Observe what types of use cases are more or less popular.
Derive a more accurate picture of our ideal user profile and addressable markets.
Determine where and how Spartacus provides unique value to its users compared to alternatives.
Validate, define, and quantify the value Spartacus delivers to users.
Evaluate different revenue models and pricing.
Receive feedback on our current feature and design decisions, and input on our roadmap.
Join this cohort IF:
You have a real-world application for Spartacus. (I.e. not a hypothetical scenario, but a campaign with real participants and a real goal).
You are ready to start evaluating Spartacus right away, or at most within a few weeks.
Your campaign has realistic success criteria: The deadline is not too far out, and the participant goal is reasonably attainable within that timeframe.
You are willing to provide detailed feedback on the user experience, both positive and negative.
If successful, you are open to having your experience used as the basis for a case study that will be published and shared.
You may use a pseudonym to maintain more privacy throughout this process.
And in any case, please support us by following us at
Call to Action:
If you meet these criteria, sign up and join this campaign to be part of this cohort.
After joining this campaign, please fill out the following survey (5-10 min), which will ask you some specific qualifying questions about your use case: https://forms.gle/xqnLNM8vFGPspgbX8
You can then join the beta discord at https://discord.gg/NVfduPqs
If you have any questions or concerns, please email jordan@spartacus.app